this would not be hard to use as a front-end for my note-taking web app. also have vim stuff in Ace editor. Looks like Ace has more features, like a native-GUI editor, and a larger file size to go with that. The vim cursor handling works slightly better in FF-android (it's a block in normal mode). Was looking a the Cloud9 kitchen sink demo for Ace, where you can choose vim bindings from dropdown. ** Ace has better file saving example in demo code, so go with it for now. It uses local storage, but this might be just the right place to use js-git. So local (in browser) commits can happen on a timer or during an input lull. Then push/pull with server handles long term storage and sync. ## 11.06.2015 - got basic demo of ACE posted at - could not get vim mode enabled, though! - tried `editor.setKeyboardHandler("ace/keyboard/vim");` which is similar to how theme and language are successfully set, but no worky - tried to include script ./keybindings-vim.js - tried to include kitchen-sink/demo.js - tried to switch to vim handler in settings panel (Ctrl+,), but change didn't stick - don't know what i'm missing, prob go back to CodeMirror - won't get any advantage from ACE local storage example w/out implementing entire kitchen sink demo...don't really want that - CM has a custom bundler/minifier tool on their website that might be handy ## 11.07.2015 - good progress w/codemirror, - vim mode working, auto-expand height working, markdown syntax highlights working.